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2013 Irish Retriever Championship  

2013 Irish Retriever Championship

Go to Magazine Page 32-40  for a colorful and informative Online Article on the 2013 Irish Retriever Championship presented by the Magazine:  Irish Country Sports and Country Life - Spring 2014


Irish Field Trials : The 2012-2013 Season  

The retriever trialling season that was, is now just a Memory.

And so it is right for us to look back and honour those handlers and their dogs that achieved the accolade of Field Trial Champion (FTCh). The title FTCh is one that every handler who trials, strives for. It is not easily achieved. In fact, I would hate to put into ‘man-hours’ the time it takes in training to raise up a Champion. For those who do, one has to recognise the dedication they have to their sport.


Article written by Ari Huttunen  

Retriever Trials and Hunting in FINLAND

What is a good Retriever for us in Finland? Game finding ability is most important. The Dog must be able to hunt by swimming. Most of us respect initiative + independence in marking and hunting. Ability to handle the dog close to the retrieve makes working effective. In training we believe that the hunting instincts must be given a proper chance to develop. Obedience means that the dog is willing to work in cooperation with the handler. The use of electric collar is forbidden in all dog training. We don’t like forced retrieve methods because we suspect negative impacts on breeding if this spreads. We like to see a spontaneous retrieve developed because in this manner the dog has the best chance to use its own initiative in situations where the handler cannot help.